Wednesday, September 29, 2021

What are you listening to?

Making time for our practice is often one of the real challenges we face in the teaching profession. But here are a few podcasts that might be interesting and, dare I say, fun to sneak into your routine.

Check out Season 3 of Dead Ideas in Teaching and Learning, where CTL Director Catherine Ross and guests address "teaching and learning systems in the academy and how they need to be changed. Topics include beliefs about rigor, the value of undergraduate education in research universities, how to generate systemic change in institutions, issues of equity, and how faculty are evaluated."

For a smorgasbord of conversations about teaching--ranging from open education to creativity in teaching and so much more--listen in to host Bonni Stachowiak as she interviews innovative thinkers Teaching in Higher Ed.

Check out Vanderbilt’s Leading Lines for inspiring conversations about using educational technology to enrich student learning.

For a resource-rich podcast on anti-racist pedagogy, the H.E.A.R.T. podcast has much to offer. And for a deeper dive, there is In the Margins.

Finally, if you love a crowd-sourced effort, here's a curated list from the Higher Ed Podcast Project. 

What are you listening to? 

Tuesday, September 21, 2021


After thinking for many months about the best way to provide information and share ideas about teaching and learning while trying to descrease the overwhelming amount of it all, I decided a blog might be the best choice. A place where you choose what's of interest to you.

Here you'll find teaching strategies, theories, ideas, discussions, and other forms of information. I'll include opportunities offered by the CTL for faculty development, and various opportunities that come to me from other sources. You'll find posts from our Studios and our consulting librarians. And we would love to hear from you. If you'd like to guest blog, please contact me. Keep this page bookmarked for weekly updates.

One place where we might begin this year is thinking about the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL), an inquiry-driven approach focusing on student learning. When I think of SoTL, I think about what I'm most interested in changing about my teaching for better student learning. I think about trying one new thing. A pedagogical experiment of sorts. Feel free to share what you're up to in the comments.

Engaging Students in Critical Reading

Over the past decade, we’ve learned a lot more about how our students read, or rather, often don’t read. Some of it comes from the fact that...